Todo list

As with all projects of mine, there is a list of things which I want to do with it when I find the time to do so. This is said list

  • Automate build process to occur daily - So in its current iteration my site is built by running hugo -t risotto and then committing any changes to the public submodule. It is then auto-built using GitHub pages. In an ideal world, this would all happen on a daily basis automatically, and this will be possible through the use of GitHub actions. I am however putting this on the back burner for now - The reason behind this is that as my homelab is built out further I eventually want to run a Jenkins and GitTea server. Given this, I do not want to write out an automation file for GitHub when I will eventually have to write a separate one later on.
  • Set up TOR site - I eventually want to set up my site so it runs as a TOR-Hidden-Service. Why? Because it’s cool. The actual catalyst for my wanting to do this was Network Chucks video here. I am however relucatant to do this until I have set up the automated build process. The reason behind this is that I would be able to use that to automatically pull the site files on the host.
  • Set up a linktree page - This is something I have wanted to do for a while, and for the longest time, I wanted to do it using an open-source solution like linktees. In reality, I do not have anything nearly as complex as this, just a page on my site showing all my links. I would however like to have it set up so it’s not just a series of hyperlinks - I can possibly use SimpleIcons to do this. I’ll think about it. This possibly could present some issues for when I deploy a TOR site, as these links would likely lead to the clear net - for that reason, it’s important I put on a banner stating this.
  • Security.txt - I might have one of these already, I doubt it though. One possible resource to do this in the future is here.


A general purpose blog for me to braindump anything I might be thinking about. Please dont hesistate to reach out if you have any questions
