7- Fixes

I cannot spend too much time on this post because I have other things to do today. I have found possible solutions to all of the problems I mentioned in the previous post. As per usual I have made a dog’s ear over a very simple problem. I was however along the right lines with my previous idea of having an auto-sign script

The issues

The way I see it there are three key issues

1) Auto-signing - I need a script to auto-sign the posts, because doing it by hand is tedious and I want to make it easier for me to write posts rather than harder 2) Post-sign formatting - There are “issues” (not really issues, it’s done for a reason) with gpg where it replaces “-” with “–” with a space between. It also converts the document to ASCII rather than UTF-8. This means the resulting text is sometimes mangled in some way. 3) Writing environment - Because I can’t use hugo server to see a live rendering of the site, this makes things difficult

There are other issues but look at the previous post for those.

The solutions

The solution(s) are fairly simple. I don’t know why I got it in my head that I need to have the posts saved in the git repo signed. The fact is it’s a private repo, and will become even more private when I eventually put them on my git server i.e. they will never be seen publically. If I just write an auto-sign script that signs the posts during the publication process, then all my problems are solved.

The auto-signing script is inherently going to be solved, evidenced by its meer existence. The post sign formatting will be solved because I do not need to convert the posts back to their original state post sign - this does present a minor issue that the post and the signed post may have minor differences, but that can be clarified in the post explaining this. The writing environment problem is solved, because I would be able to render the live site again

Why haven’t I dont this yet

I haven’t done this yet because, despite my LARPing as a programmer, I am a glorified script kiddie. This is not to say I can’t do it, because I can, after all, I wrote the last script. It is me saying that a script like this, which would take some of my friends half an hour, might take a few hours for me. I’ll get around to it though.


A general purpose blog for me to braindump anything I might be thinking about. Please dont hesistate to reach out if you have any questions
